Sunday, November 7, 2010

A (Re) Introduction

So I shall attempt this again.  After typing out my whole post my browser crashed and the whole thing got lost.  I'm taking it as a sign that I probably waffled on in the first one and will get to the point.  This year has been tough for me, a long year of wondering what will happen next year after I graduate.  I've read and heard a lot about people saying follow your bliss, find out what your passion is and inspired by that I've started this blog detailing, to my possibly one reader, my passions, all the stuff I love and why.  I, like many people love food.  I like buying it, looking at it, watching tv shows on it, cooking it, baking it and especially eating it.  But my passions don't end there.  I also love clothes, shoes, make up, accessories, and fashion in general.  I have a passion for many things and here I will introduce you to all the stuff I like from websites magazines, recipes to my experiences cooking and baking as well as reviews of products and clothes and all the stuff I've tried and love and even not so love.  I'll include my random thoughts and experiences as I embark upon my final chapter as a History honours student writing a thesis due real soon, the upcoming summer and my new venture into a pgce course were I will become a high school teacher.  So looking forward to all of that and to you learning about me as well.  By the way please be patient as I design the page but soon it'll all be done.


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